Find out more about Petit BamBou in the workplace?

More than 200 companies have deployed Petit BamBou, developing their QWL policy, addressing mental health issues in the workplace and improving their employer brand.

The benefits of Petit BamBou according to our clients :

  • Improvement in communication and emotional intelligence.
  • Management of emotions, anxiety and conflict.
  • Increased self-presence, attention span and creativity.
France's favourite meditation app
Over 10 million users and 150 programmes on a wide range of topics: stress, anxiety, sleep, breathing, etc.
HR Platform
To coordinate the deployment of the app, find all the resources you need to get your collaborators started and keep them involved.
Customer Service & Dedicated Team
Our team provides you with customised support from the application to the implementation of practices with the best French and international experts.

They can meditate at work with Petit BamBou

Bearing Point
Air Liquide
CAF du nord